Mdm N's one-room rental flat is more than just a home; it's a testament to her unwavering patience and quiet resilience. For over a decade, she has navigated a challenging reality, living with a husband whose hoarding tendencies have gradually filled their small space with a mountain of possessions. Expired food and opened packaging, toiletries, face masks, plastic bags, empty cigarette boxes, medical supplies, reading materials and letters – all have accumulated, creating a level 8 clutter (out of 10) that poses a significant threat to their safety and wellbeing. Amidst the clutter, a large wedding photograph taken in 1986 dominates the wall. Mandarin songs drift from a radio perched atop the refrigerator, a sweet contrast to the surrounding disarray.
Working as a cleaner for the past five months, her salary barely covers their essential expenses: rent, medical bills (including her cataract and painful knee condition), and food. Her husband, while receiving a small Central Provident Fund (CPF) payout monthly, is suspected to be experiencing cognitive decline and mental health issues, contributing to his hoarding behaviour. He brings items home regularly, refusing to allow Mdm N to discard anything, effectively trapping the couple in a cycle of accumulating clutter.
Navigating the cramped and cluttered flat is a daily obstacle course. With limited space to move, the risk of falls is ever-present, a dreaded prospect for an elderly woman with ailing knees. The clutter also creates a fire hazard, a worry in the back of Mdm N's mind. Despite these immense challenges, Mdm N has persevered, her quiet strength a beacon in their cluttered home.
Recently, the Habitat team stepped in to offer a helping hand, beginning the journey of home rehabilitation works. Working alongside Mdm N, the team began the laborious task of decluttering. A group of volunteers was scheduled to join the effort, further decluttering, removing old and damaged furniture, and giving the flat a thorough cleaning. Mdm N expressed her gratitude for the assistance from time to time, never losing her smile and cheerful demeanour throughout our interactions with her.
Mdm N's story is not just about the challenges of living with a hoarder; it's a story about the unwavering love and devotion of a wife, the resilience of a woman facing adversity, and the quiet strength she displays regardless of the challenges. It’s a reminder that even in the most cluttered of environments, hope and kindness can still find a way to bloom. As the team and volunteers work to create a cleaner and safer living space for Mdm N, they are not just decluttering a home; they are helping to clear a path towards a brighter future for a woman who embodies the true meaning of patience and resilience.